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Managing People

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated
Select thePeople” tab in your lefthand navigation menu to access your list of participants.

There are several tools to navigate your list of people. You can type a whole or partial name into the search bar, use the menu in the bottom left to change how many people are displayed per page, and use the arrows to the right to navigate through different sections.

Editing People

To edit participant information, locate them in the list and click the pencil icon.

Use the tabs at the top of the participant’s profile to switch between the different types of information in their profile. Scroll to the right using the arrow to see additional sections with more details.

Personal Information

This section includes general information about the participant, such as name, contact, and demographic information. A red asterisk next to a field name indicates that data must be entered into this field before being able to save the record.

Note that if your District has an SIS data import process, and depending on the import configuration, data in this section may get updated with every import, essentially overwriting any manual changes. To prevent data getting overwritten, check with your District's SST administrator before manually updating this data. 

After making any changes, click “Save Personal Information.”


The address section of a participant’s profile allows for two addresses: a home address and a mailing address.

Note that if your District has an SIS data import process, and depending on the import configuration, data in this section may get updated with every import, essentially overwriting any manual changes. To prevent data getting overwritten, check with your District's SST administrator before manually updating this data. 

After making any changes, click “Save Address.”


This section details various data fields related to the Participant's housing/homelessness status. Homelessness Status, Primary Nighttime Residence, and Unaccompanied Youth values may update whenever data is imported from the district’s SIS. 

To keep any changes made to other fields, click “Save McKinney-Vento.”

School Information

In this section, you can store and maintain information about the student’s school and other academic-related data. 

Note that if your District has an SIS data import process, and depending on the import configuration, data in this School Information section may get updated with every import, essentially overwriting any manual changes. To prevent data from getting overwritten, check with your District's SST administrator before manually updating this data. 

Click “Save School Information” to save any changes.


Primary and Emergency contact information is stored in this section. Existing contacts are listed in the table along with phone numbers and relationship indicator symbols.

To edit a contact, click the pencil icon under the Action heading. To delete a contact, click the trash can icon.

To add a new contact, click “Add Contact +” 

Fill out the required fields and any additional fields.

Note that if your District has an SIS data import process, and depending on the import configuration, contact data may get updated with every import, essentially overwriting any manual changes. To prevent data getting overwritten, check with your District's SST administrator before manually updating this data. 

To save any changes, click “Save Contact” and the contact will be added to the list.

Registration Information

This section tracks when an individual is registered as an active participant at this site. For example, if a student begins receiving services but leaves the site, the end date can be changed to indicate a withdrawal from the program. 

Existing registration information is listed in the table. Use the “Add Registration +” link to add another Registration Period record to show that the individual is receiving services again at this site.

Choose a Registration Site; this is the school site where the participant is enrolled. Note the site will default to the site you are connected to. 

Then choose a Registration Period; the Start Date and End Date fields will be filled with the the Registration Period default dates. Change them if you need to. 

When done, click “Save Registration" and the new Registration Period record will appear in the list.


This section allows users to create and track referrals for participants.

To create a new referral, click “Add New Referral +.”

Fill out the required fields and any additional fields.

In the Share section, choose if users at any site in the District can access the referral, or only users associated with the site the student is enrolled in can access the referral.

When done, click “Save Referral."


This section allows users to view any requests linked to a participant.


Keep track of a participant’s attendance for the Activities offered at this site. To record the Activity, date, type pf participation (present, absent, etc.) and time of service, click "Add New Participation."

The "Add New Participation +”  button will only appear when connected to a single site.

To edit a participation record, click the pencil icon. To delete a participation record, click the trash can icon.


The notes section is where notes about a Participant are recorded.

Add or view notes about an individual. To add a new note, click “Add New Note +” and enter the required information.

To edit participation, click the pencil icon. To delete participation, click the trashcan icon.


Store any documentation related to a participant.

To upload a new file, click “Upload New File +.”

The following formats are accepted: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .jpg, .png

The file size limit is 20MB.

To edit a document record, click the pencil icon. To delete a document, click the trashcan icon.

Delete a Participant

Individuals with active data may not be deleted. To delete a participant, click the trashcan in line with their name. Follow the prompts to confirm the deletion.

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