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Managing Activities and Services

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated



The activities section is where the services related to participants are created and managed.

Use the Switch Access feature to connect to eh admin site.

Select the “Activities” tab from the lefthand navigation menu to manage your activities.

Already existing activities and services are listed. Click the “…” next to an activity to edit existing activities or services or their schedules.

Click “Add Activity +” to add a new activity.

Select Scheduled, Drop In, or Unscheduled for the activity type.

Scheduled Activities include services like professional development for staff or a family picnic that people sign up for beforehand. These activities are scheduled for specific dates, and people who have signed up for them are expected to attend.

Drop In Activities include services like counseling offered by a social worker or open office hours. These activities are scheduled for specific dates but do not have people signed up for them.

Unscheduled Activities include service activities that have no scheduled dates, and people are not expected to attend on a certain  date or time. How long the service was provided is required when recording participation for such services. An example is recording the amount of time spent on a given date coordinating services between agencies to support students.

Services are areas of assistance that are provided to individuals such as grocery cards, school supplies, etc. Services type activities are the simplest to record as length of service is not required. 

 Click "Continue."

For a Scheduled Activity:

Enter the name of the Activity. This field is required, as indicated by the red asterisk. You can also enter a description of the activity. 

You can also enter a description of the activity. You may select one or more Funders that provide support for this Activity.
Custom fields may appear on this form. You will need to fill them out if they are required. 

Click "Next Step."

Fill out the Schedule form for this Activity. A red asterisk marks the required fields.

Enter a Session Name that will distinguish it from other Session names if more than one will be created.

You may also fill out the Session Location, Maximum Enrollment and Funder, but these fields are not required.

Choose the appropriate Event Type: One-time event or Recurring event. 

For Recurring Events (events that will happen more than once):

For events that are reccurring, there are two methods for setting the schedule of dates for this Session.

First, select the Start and End date for the range of dates when the recurring event will happen. These dates will default to the Reporting Term Date Range, but can be changed to facilitate easier date selection for Method 1.

Method 1:

Choose the Schedule Dates dropdown to pick the days of the week this session will occur, if there is such a pattern. All dates for that day of the week will be highlighted in blue between the start and end date of the Reporting Term Date Range you entered. start and end date of the Reporting Term Date Range you entered.

Method 2:

Click any date on the calendar which will turn it blue and schedule it.

Some dates on the calendar may not be selectable. This indicates that the site is closed, based on the Site Calendar, and/or the dates are outside the Date Range.

 A combination of these two methods may be utilized.

Beneath the calendar are a yellow and blue circle with a number inside. The yellow number indicates the number of dates in the calendar that the session cannot be offered because the site is closed per the Site Calendar. The blue number indicates the number of dates that have been selected indicating when the session will be offered. 

For One-Time Events:

For one time events, choose a date from the calendar by clicking it and turning it blue. Alternatively, you can type the date into the date field.

Some dates on the calendar may not be selectable. This indicates that the site is closed, based on the Site Calendar, and/or the dates are outside the Reporting Term Date Range.

For Recurring and One-Time Events:

Set the start and end time of the Activity Session by typing in the time or using the time selector. Click an up or down arrow to select and fine-tune the time.

To add participants, check the box next to the participant's name from your site that are expected to attend this Activity Session. It is easier to record participation for individuals if they are enrolled ahead of time using this screen.

Review the information to make sure it's correct. Click "Save Activity."

For a Drop In Activity:

Enter the name of the Activity. This field is required, as indicated by the red asterisk. You can also enter a description of the activity. Click "Next Step."

Custom fields may appear on this form. You will need to fill them out if they are required.

Fill out the Schedule form for this activity. A red asterisk marks the required fields. Fill out the Schedule form for this activity.

Enter a Session Name that will distinguish it from other Session names if more than one will be created. Choose an Event Type.

You may also fill out the Session Location and Maximum Enrollment, but these fields are not required.

For Recurring Events (events that will happen more than once):
Choose the Schedule Dates dropdown to pick the days of the week this session will occur – if there is such a pattern. All dates for that day of the week will be highlighted between the start and end date of the Reporting Term Date Range you entered.

There are two options for setting the schedule of dates for this Session:
  1. Choose the Schedule Dates dropdown to pick the days of the week this session will occur - if there is such a pattern. All dates for that day of the week will be highlighted between the start and end date of the Reporting Term Date Range you entered

      2. Clicking Any date on the calendar will turn it blue and schedule it.

 A combination of these two methods may be utilized. Some dates on the calendar may not be selectable. This indicates that the site is closed, based on the Site Calendar, and the dates are outside the Reporting Term Date Range.

For One Time Events:
Choose a date from the calendar by clicking it and turning it blue. Alternatively, you can type the date into the date field. Some dates on the calendar may not be selectable. This indicates that the site is closed, based on the Site Calendar, and the dates are outside the Reporting Term Date Range.

For Recurring and One-Time Events:
Set the start and end time of the Activity Session by typing in the time or using the time selector. Click an up or down arrow to select and fine-tune the time.

Click "Next Step."

Review the information to make sure it's correct. Click "Save Activity."

For An Unscheduled Activity:

Enter the name of the Activity. This field is required, as indicated by the red asterisk. You can also enter a description of the activity. Click “Save Activity.” 

A default session is automatically created and used when tracking participation for an unscheduled activity.


Custom fields may appear on this form. You will need to fill them out if they are required. 

For a Service:

Enter the name of the Activity. This field is required, as indicated by the red asterisk.

You can also enter a description of the activity.

Select one or more Funders that pay for this Service.

Who can participate? If this service is unique to only the Admin site that you are now connected to, choose “Only participants from this site.” If, which is more common, this service can be provided to participants from all school sites, choose the “Participants from all sites” option.

Click "Save Activity"

Custom Fields may appear on this form. You will need to fill them out if they are required.

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