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How to Switch Access

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated



The Switch Access feature allows a user to change the global filter for the system.

Locate and clock on the Switch Access link in the top left-hand part of the screen.

Use the menu option to select the appropriate items from the three drop-down menus.

Reporting Term:

This is the date range for current or past programs.


This is an entity that provides services to individuals, such as a School District, Site, School, Funder, or Partner.

You can use the search bar to locate a specific organization by typing all or part of the Organization's name.

You can also "drill down" the Organization list by clicking on the drop-down arrows to the left of each Organization name; this will expand the list to reflect how your Organization Tree is built. You can see data from all organizations below your chosen organization. For example, if you choose "Region 1," you will see all data for all organizations that are part of Region 1 per the Organization Tree.

If an institution or site is inactive in the selected reporting term, it may not be available in the organization drop-down menu when selecting the organization.

Security Role:

The role chosen here determines the user’s access level to the system for the selected Organization. A permissions system controls which security roles can access which data (and if the data is editable or read-only) and which system functions each role can access. For example, a lower-level user does not have permission to access the system's setup functionality. Most users will only have one security role as an option, but some may have more than one in order for them to provide support to other users. By switching to the security role of the user they are supporting, they can see the screens as they appear to the user being supported which can be helpful.
Once you’ve selected the desired options, click Switch Access
After your screen refreshes briefly, you will then have access to the system with the selected Reporting Term, Organization, and Security Role.

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