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Managing Registration and Enrolled Programs Information

Jacob Fullhart
Jacob Fullhart
  • Updated
The Registration Information section records information about the 1) dates and location(s) of a participant's program participation and 2) which programs are enrolled in for those dates.
  1. The dates in the Registration Information section identify the service date range for the participant at a school site. Multiple records can be found here if a participant begins and leaves the program at various school sites and/or at various times during the year. Registration Information date records can be updated manually or via a data-import process from your District's Student Information System (SIS). Most of this article discusses how to add/edit Registration Information manually. For further questions about importing student information from an SIS, contact support at
  2. Student Support Tracker offers the ability to track enrollment in various programs in addition to McKinney-Vento homeless support initiatives. These include programs such as Foster or Migrant Education.
Click the People tab in your lefthand navigation menu.
Open the List of Participants

Locate the participant in your List of Participants

There are several tools to navigate your list of participants.

You can type a whole or partial name into the search bar. The list will filter down as you type to match your search criteria. 
You can scroll down the list to find the name. By default, 25 participant records will appear on one page. At the bottom right, use the menu to change how many participant records are displayed per page, and use the arrows to navigate through different sections.
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Click on the pencil icon to open the participant's record.
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Navigate to the Registration Information tab of the participant's record. 
OSTT RegInfo Tab.png
The table lists the participant's existing registration information. The first date range will be added when the Participant is added, either manually or via the data import process.
OSTT RegInfo Table.png

The dates identify the service dates for a participant. The Start Date should be the day they were identified, and the End Date is the date they stopped receiving services at the school site, which may be the end of the school year. There may be more than one Registration Information record present. This indicates that the participant started receiving services, left the school site, and then returned.

The Enrolled Program(s) column will indicate which, if any, programs the participant is enrolled in.

If Using a Data Import Process

If a data import process from your District's Student Information System is in place, you may not need to manually add or edit Registration Information date records.

The Start Date of the Registration Date Range is when the student was identified as needing services and imported into Student SupportTracker from the District's SIS. The end date will default to the end of the school year.

If the participant transfers to another school site or withdraws from the district, data in the imported file will trigger the End Date to be updated to when they left the school site. If they return to the school site, another Registration Information record will be created automatically to preserve the history of the original withdrawal from the school site. The pencil icon allows you to edit these dates, but this should not be needed with the data import process, as the dates are updated automatically based on data in the imported data file.

Manually Adding Registration Information

Participants should have a separate record for each date range in which they were actively being served at a school site. In that way, if they transfer to a different school site and then return, their transfer history will be preserved.
To add a Registration Information record, click the Add Registration + button.
OSTT RegInfo AddReg.png

Select the Registration Site where the participant is being served, the Registration Period, and the Start Date and End Date.

If you are connected to a single school site when adding this Registration Information record, the Registration Site will be pre-filled with that school site name.

OSTT RegInfo Add New Step1.png

The Start Date and End Date will default to your selected Registration Period's start and end date. If you want to change those dates, the dates you choose must fall inside the dates for the Registration Period selected.

Use the calendar icon to open the calendar selection tool.

Click on the Start Date to select it. Repeat this for the End Date.

Use the left and right arrows at the top of the calendar to navigate between different months. To switch years, click on the year. 

You may also type the date in the Start and/or End Date, using MM/DD/YYYY format.

Any dates on the calendar with a line through them are outside the Registration Period and are not selectable.

Click Next Step.

OSTT RegInfo Next Step.png

If this student is a participant in your homeless student support initiative, click the +Add Enrolled Programs link and choose the Homeless program in the Enrolled Program dropdown list along with the Start Date and End Date of their participation in this Enrolled Program. Note for students imported from the District's SIS, the Homeless enrolled program will be added as a part of that import process.

OSTT Add Enrollemtn Programs.png

Is the student participating in another program in addition to your Homeless support program?

  • If not,  finish the process by clicking Save Registration Information.
  • If yes, click the +Add Enrolled Programs link to select the other program in which the  participant is enrolled. Select the correct program from the Enrolled Program dropdown list along with the Start Date and End Date of their participation in this Enrolled Program. When finished, click Save Registration Information.
OSTT Save Reg Info.png

Editing Registration Information

To edit a Registration Information record, click the pencil icon. You may want to edit the Date and/or Enrolled Programs sections.
OSTT Edit RegInfo.png
You may want to manually edit the Start Date if the participant began receiving services before entering the system. You will want to manually edit the End Date if the participant leaves your program; change the End Date to that date.

Deleting Registration Information

Only in the case of a mistake in data entry should a registration information record be deleted. If the participant has left a program, change the End Date of the registration information record to their withdrawal date.
If deleting a registration information record is required, to delete the record, click the trash can icon and then Yes, Delete to confirmation prompt. Note there must always be one Registration Information record for a participant. If there is only one record, the trash can icon will be disabled on this remaining record. 
OSTT RegInfo Delete.png

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