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Basic Reports Navigation

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated

Click on Reports in the left-hand navigation menu.


Locate the report in your Favorites or by clicking a folder in the All Reports area - the reports in that folder will appear below the folder. Click on the report name to generate the report.

OSTT All Reports.png
After opening the report, you will see several icons to the right in the report name header. Each icon has a different function.
Use the arrows to navigate between different pages of the report if needed.
Hovering your mouse over an icon will display what function the icon will complete. 
OSTT Report Nav 1.png
The i icon offers basic information about the report.
OSTT I icn reports.png
The funnel icon allows you to filter the report in various ways.
OSTT Reports Filters.png

The down arrow lets you download the report in CSV, PDF, or XLSX format.

OSTT reports downloads.png




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