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How to Add or Edit a Site Calendar

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated

The Site Calendar, by indicating which dates a site is open, is used primarily to prevent incorrect service data from being entered into the system; dates a site is not marked as “open” will not allow participation to be recorded for those dates.

For programs supporting students experiencing homelessness, all dates/days should be selected as a student could have a service recorded for them on any day of the year.

To add or edit a Site Calendar, you first want to make sure you switch your access to the District/Institution level. Read this article to learn how to switch access.
Click Settings in your left-hand navigation menu.
Click on Site Calendar in the Settings menu.
The Site Calendar screen will open and appear differently in one of two ways depending on whether one or more Site Calendars exist.
  1. If no Site Calendars for any sites have been established for this Reporting Term, the screen will look like this:
Site Calendar No Calendar.png
The screen will look like the following image if at least one site has a calendar. The sites listed in the drop-down have had a Site Calendar created for them, which can be edited by selecting the desired site in the drop-down list.
Site Calendar DropDown.png
   2.   If all sites have established a Site Calendar, the Add Calendar+ button will not be present.

Adding a New Site Calendar

At the upper right of the screen, click Add Calendar +
Site Calendar Add Calendar.png
There are two steps in the process of adding a Site Calendar.Site Calendar 2 dates.png
  1. Select the days/dates the site will be open.
  2. Apply the selected days/dates to the appropriate sites.


Consider if some of your sites have the same operations calendar. Are they open and closed on the same dates, have the same holiday breaks, etc.? It is more efficient for you to carefully set up a Site Calendar that applies to as many sites as possible and then apply that Site Calendar to those sites. You will be able to make adjustments to the Site Calendar for individual sites if necessary.
You can set up multiple Site Calendars and apply them to a different group of sites.

Select Dates

The Select Dates drop-down menu allows you to use the checkboxes to select the days of the week throughout the Reporting Term when the site will typically be open or closed. Checking a box for a day will mark each day (e.g., Monday) as open, and thus, services can be recorded for that date.

If your programs are typically not open on weekends, do not check the All Saturdays or All Sundays option.

Site Calendar Day Picker Dropdown.png

As you select days of the week, the corresponding dates on the calendar below will show in blue.

After finishing selecting which days of the week the site is open, you can fine-tune the individual dates. For example, you can remove individual dates for a Monday holiday, winter break dates, etc.

Move between months by using the right and left arrows at the top of the calendar.

Site Calendar Navigation Arrows.png

To edit individual dates, on the calendar, click a date to select or deselect it. A date highlighted in blue indicates an "open" date. An unhighlighted date indicates the site is closed on that date.

When you are certain the calendar is accurate, click Next Step.
Site Calendar Next Step.png
Select Sites
A list of all the sites that have not yet established a Site Calendar will appear. Check the box next to the site name for each site you wish to apply this Site Calendar.
When finished selecting sites, click Save and the Site Calendar will be applied to those sites.
Site Calendar Save.png

Editing a Site Calendar

First, select the site from the drop-down menu for which you want to update its Site Calendar.


You can edit the Site Calendar in two ways.

  1. To make a large change, you can add or remove all dates that are a certain day of the week (i.e. Monday) by using the Scheduled Dates drop-down menu. For example, if an after-school site changes its schedule and no longer offers services on Friday, you can first check the All Fridays box and then uncheck it. You will notice the blue highlights for all Fridays will disappear on the calendar at the bottom. Likewise, if this site will now offer services on Saturdays, check the All Saturdays checkbox and all Saturdays within the Reporting term on the calendar at the bottom will be highlighted blue, indicating the site is open and services can be recorded.
  2. You can fine-tune individual dates. For example, you can remove individual dates for a Monday holiday, winter break dates, etc.

Move between months by using the right and left arrows at the top of the calendar.

Site Calendar Navigation Arrows.png

To edit individual dates, on the calendar, click a date to select or deselect it. A date highlighted in blue indicates an "open" date. An unhighlighted date indicates the site is closed on that date.
Note that any date highlighted in orange is a locked date. This indicates that participation has already been recorded for this date, and the date’s open/closed status cannot be adjusted.
Underneath the calendar is a summary of the locked and editable dates as well as the start and end dates for the Reporting Term for reference.
When the Site Calendar is accurate, click Save Site Calendar.
Save Site Calendar.png

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