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Managing Individual Participation

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated



To update an individual Participant's participation in an activity or having received a service, click the "People" tab in your lefthand navigation menu.  

Open the "List of People."

Locate the participant in your List of People.

Click the pencil icon to open the participant's record.

Navigate to the "Participation" tab of the participant's record.

To edit an existing participation record, click the pencil icon. To delete an existing participation record, click the trashcan.

To create a new participation record, click "Add New Participation +."

Fill out the required information for participation, including the activity, session, and date of participation, the type of participation, and the Start Time and End Time of the individual's participation. 

The Start and End times will default to those established when the selected Session's Activity Schedule was completed. The times can be changed to reflect the actual participation time.

For Unscheduled Activities, the time will default to 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. You can change these times to define the time more accurately if it is important. The time is not important for Unscheduled Activities like providing a Gas Card or Bus Tickets, so leaving the default times is acceptable.

Click "Save" when done.

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