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Managing Data Collection Periods

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated
Data Collection Period:
Data Collection Periods are date ranges in which data is collected for reporting purposes. 

Reporting Year:

This is the highest-level Data Collection Period. These dates typically align with a reporting year. A Reporting year is set up at the highest-level organization and can be assigned to any child (subordinate) organization. 

In your left-hand navigation menu, click “Settings.” 

Click on the “Data Collection Periods.” 

Click “Add New” and then select “Reporting Year.” 

Name the Reporting Year and select the correct dates. Click "Save Reporting Year."

Reporting Term:

This is a Data Collection Period that can segment a Reporting Year. A Reporting Year can have one or more Reporting Terms. A Reporting Term is set up at a Highest-level Organization and can be assigned to any child organization. Activities, Participants, and Participation are all associated with a Reporting Term. When a new Reporting Year is created, a new Reporting Term is automatically created with the same dates and year as the Reporting Year.  

In your left-hand navigation menu, click “Settings.” 

Click on “Data Collection Periods.” 

Click “Add New” and then select “Reporting Term.” 

Select the Reporting Year that the Reporting Term segments. Name the Reporting Term and select the correct dates. Click "Next Step." 

Select organizations to apply this Reporting Year by checking the checkboxes next to the appropriate Organizations. Click "Save Reporting Term."

Reporting Period:

This is the Data Collection Period that can segment a Reporting Term. A Reporting Term can have one or more Reporting Periods. A Reporting Period is set up at a highest-level organization and can be assigned to child organizations. This data collection period is only used in the rare circumstance an organization needs to create specific data reporting periods. 

In your left-hand navigation menu, click “Settings.” 

Click on the “Data Collection Periods.” 

Click “Add New” and then select “Reporting Period.” 

Select the Reporting Term that the Reporting Period segments. Name the Reporting Period and select the correct dates. Click "Next Step." 

Select organizations to apply to this Reporting Period by checking the checkboxes next to the appropriate organizations. Click "Save Reporting Period." 

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