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How to Create a Participant Record from a Relationship Record

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated

Sometimes, a Relationship Person for a Participant may also receive services from your programs. Instead of making a separate Participant record from scratch, you can easily make that Relationship Person a Participant.

For example: “Mary Henderson” is a parent relationship to “Joshua Henderson.” “Mary Henderson” is now being served, and in order to track that participation in the system, she needs to have a full Participant record, not just a relationship record.

Click the People tab in your lefthand navigation menu.
Open the List of Participants

Locate the participant in your List of Participants

There are several tools to navigate your list of participants.

You can type a whole or partial name into the search bar. The list will filter down as you type to match your search criteria. 
You can scroll down the list to find the name. By default, 25 participant records will appear on one page. At the bottom right, use the menu to change how many participant records are displayed per page, and use the arrows to navigate through different sections.
LOP Functions.png

Click the pencil icon to open the participant's record.

OSTT Make a Part Record form a Rel Record Edit.png

Go to the Relationships section of the Participant Record.

OSTT Relationships Tab.png

Locate the Relationship person you would like to make a Participant so you can record their participation/services.

Click the person icon.

OSTT Mak Part Record Add as PArt Button.png

The Add Person process will open with Mary’s name pre-filled.

OSTT Add PArt 1.png

Complete the fields in each step, noting that those with red asterisks are required.

Your district may have added some required custom fields that you must complete.

In Relationships, the original Participant's name will be added as a Relationship. Be sure to complete the appropriate Relationship type (in this case, ‘Son’) and other required fields.

OSTT Add Part from Rel.png

When finished, click Save Participant.

OSTT Save PArticipant.png

The new Participant record will open. 

In the new Participant's Relationships section, the original Participant record where this process started, is now listed as a Relationship record for this new Participant.

OSTT New PArt with Rel.png

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