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Creating Unscheduled Activities

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated
The Activities section is where services related to participants are created and managed. While there are multiple types of activities, this document focuses on creating Unscheduled Activities
Unscheduled Activities do not have a set schedule, and people do not sign up beforehand. These activities include services such as tutoring or other staff support for students whenever they're available and efforts to coordinate services for youth experiencing homelessness with other agencies. There is no set schedule for these efforts, but time spent on them can be recorded as unscheduled activity. 
To manage activities, you must be connected to a specific site. Use the Switch Access feature to connect to the desired site.
It is recommended that activities and services be set up at the Admin Site to make managing activities easier. Activities created there are accessible to all sites, as explained in the rest of the article. To learn more about Switching Access, please see this article.
Select the Activities tab from the left-hand navigation menu. If a red "Bad Request" message appears in the upper right corner of the screen, it means that a Site Calendar has not been set up yet. To learn more about how to add or edit a site calendar, please see this article.
Activities previously created will appear on the Activities page. Please see this article to learn more about editing and Deleting Activities and Sessions.
SST Activities List 2.png

Adding an Unscheduled Activity

Click Add Activity + to add a new activity.

Select the Unscheduled activity type. Click Continue.
SST Unscheduled Act.png
Enter the name of the activity in the Activity Name field. This field is required, as indicated by the red asterisk. If the activity name you enter is the same as an existing activity name, the system will prompt you to avoid duplicates. 
If desired, you can enter a description of the activity, the funders of this activity, and the designated staff that will support it. 
Custom fields may appear on the form. If they are required, as indicated by a red asterisk, you will need to complete them. 
SST CreateUnsched1.png

Who can participate? 

Next, indicate who can participate in this activity. 

You should connect to the Admin site when adding activities to make managing them easier. The next option on this screen, "Who can participate?" is an example of why it is easier to set up activities and services in the Admin site.

Most activities and services will be offered at each school site. But a few, such as an unscheduled activity called "Coordinating Services with other Agencies" or a scheduled activity called "Professional Development," will only be recorded on the Admin site. 

Therefore, to record the required answer of "who can participate in this activity," determine if the unscheduled activity you are creating will only be offered to participants in the Admin site. If yes, choose Only participants from this site. 

If this unscheduled activity is offered at all school sites in the district, choose Participants from all Sites

SST CreateServices WhoCanParticipate.png

Default Participation Time

SST SchedAct DefPartTime.pngThe system automatically stores each participant's start and end times when recording group participation for this activity. 
Two options regarding the times that will be recorded for participants are available:
  1. The Current Time option is best when entering participation in real-time at an event, and each participant's exact start and end times are needed.
  2. The Session Start/End Times option is best if you want the participant's start and end times by default to match those of the Session. These times can be modified for each participant.
Choose the appropriate option for this activity. 
Review your entries to ensure accuracy. When ready, click the Save Activity button at the bottom of the screen.
SST SchedAct SaveNotif.png
After you save the activity, a green notification will confirm that it was saved. You will then be redirected back to the main Activities page, where your newly created unscheduled activity will appear in the list. 

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