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Creating Services

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated

The Activities section is where services related to participants are created and managed. While there are multiple types of activities, this document focuses on creating Services

Services include things such as providing clothing, food vouchers and school supplies.

To manage activities, you must be connected to a specific site. Use the Switch Access feature to connect to the desired site. To learn more about Switching Access, please see this article.

Determining which school site to set up an activity/service is very important for reporting purposes.

Set up activities/services at the Admin site if... 
  • The activity/service is offered centrally. (The district liaison may distribute bus passes centrally.) 
  • Participants are offered the activity/service at all sites. (Bus passes are also offered at all school sites.)
  • It is not important that participation in the activity/service is associated with a certain site. (It is only important to know how many bus passes were distributed in total, not by school.)
  • If the activity/service is related to administrative-type efforts and participants are not students. (Coordinating Services with other Agencies or Professional Development.) 
Connect to the Admin Site and set up these activities in this case.
Set up activities/services at a specific site...
  • The activity/service will be specifically offered at a site and not at all sites (e.g., Counseling is only offered at the junior high and high school sites.)
  • It is important that the activity or service is recorded as having occurred at a specific site. (It is important to know how many hours of counseling were offered at each school site.)
In this case, connect to a specific site and set up the activity/service.
Select the Activities tab from the left-hand navigation menu. If a red "Bad Request" message appears in the upper right corner of the screen, it means that a Site Calendar has not been set up yet. Please see this article to learn how to add or edit a site calendar.
Activities previously created will appear on the Activities page. This article explains how to edit and delete existing Activities and Sessions.
SST Activities List.png


Click Add Activity + to add a new service.

Select the Service activity type. Click Continue.
SST SelectServices.png
Enter the name of the service in the Activity Name field. This field is required, as indicated by the red asterisk. If the service name you enter is the same as an existing activity name, the system will prompt you to avoid duplicates. 
If desired, you can enter a description of the service, its funders, and the designated staff that will support it. 
Custom fields may appear at the bottom of this form. Any field marked with a red asterisk is required.
SST CreateService Name.png

Who can participate? 

In the " Who can participate? " section, indicate who can receive this service by selecting the appropriate option. 

Select the Only participants from this site if:

  • This activity/service is only to be offered at this site
  • It is important that the activity/service is recorded as having occurred at this specific site or 
  • This activity/service is related to administrative-type efforts, and participants are not students, and you are connected to the Admin site

Select Participants from all sites if:

  • This activity/service is offered centrally
  • This activity/service is offered to participants at all sites
  • It is not important that participation in this activity/service is associated with a certain site. 
SST CreateServices WhoCanParticipate.png

Other custom fields may be present at the bottom of this form. If they are required, as indicated by a red asterisk, they must be completed before the service can be saved.

Click the Save Activity button.

SST SchedAct SaveNotif.png

After you save the service, a green notification will confirm that the activity was saved. You will then be redirected back to the main Activities page, where your newly created service will appear in the list. 

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