Some information in this section may update automatically from student data imported from your district's SIS system, depending on your District's SIS import settings.
Click the People tab in your lefthand navigation menu.
Open the List of Participants
Locate the participant in your List of Participants
There are several tools to navigate your list of participants.
You can type a whole or partial name into the search bar. The list will filter down as you type to match your search criteria.
You can scroll down the list to find the name. By default, 25 participant records will appear on one page. At the bottom right, use the menu to change how many participant records are displayed per page, and use the arrows to navigate through different sections.
Click the pencil icon to open the participant’s record.
Navigate to the School Information tab of the participant’s record.
Adjust the information in the fields. Some information in this section may update automatically from student data imported from your district's SIS system, depending on your District's SIS import settings.
Some custom fields may be present in your system that should be completed including any marked with a red asterisk indicating they are required.
Click Save School Information to save your changes.
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