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Creating a new Registration Form

Jacob Fullhart
Jacob Fullhart
  • Updated

To create a new registration form, follow the instructions in this document.

Click Add Registration Form + on the Registration Form Setup page

Add Reg Form.png

Creating a registration form has three steps:

1: Registration Information

Select the Registration Period for this form. Once approved, submitted registration forms will be placed on the Participant list for the selected Registration Period. 

Name the form and select the Registration open date and Registration close date; these are the dates when the form will be visible on the Registration Landing Page. 

All of these fields are required, as indicated by the red asterisks.

SST RegForm Step1 1.png

Add a Pre-registration message that provides some instructions at the beginning of the application process. 

Add a Post-submission message as desired. This will appear on the screen after a form has been submitted. 

By default, the Predefined post-submission message appears at the start of the message. Therefore, you do not need to add "thank you for registering..." to your post-submission message text.

SST RegForm Step1 2.png

Before submitting a form online, a signature is required to agree to authorizations. These authorizations are configured in a later step. Using the checkboxes, select whether you want the submitter to sign their name on their device screen or type their name. You can select both to indicate that either option is acceptable when submitting the form.

SST RegForm Step1 3.png

SST RegForm Step1 NestStep.pngClick Next Step.




2: Enrollment Options

Determine if you want this registration form to apply by Site or Session. 

SST RegForm Step2 1.png

By Site: Submitting a form will be for programs at the site(s) selected

Select the appropriate site or sites to which the registration form applies. 

If your program offers services at multiple sites and they use the same registration form, select each site using this form. A registration form "Apply" button will appear for each site selected.  If the form is different for different sites, you will need to make different registration forms for each site.

SST RegForm Step2 2.png

By Session: Submitting a form will be for one or more scheduled activity sessions at one or more sites. 

Use the Session(s) field to drill down into the site or sites where the session or sessions are located for which this form applies.

SST RegForm Step2 3 Site.png

SST RegForm NextStep.png

When the correct site(s) or session(s) has been marked, click Next Step.


3. Authorizations

Authorizations are the statements that those submitting a form agree to, such as consent to allow photographs.

To add an Authorization, click + Add another authorization.

RedForm3 Add Authroization.png

Label the authorization with a name that summarizes the Authorization. Next, add the authorization text into the Authorization text field. Lastly, select whether the authorization is required or not. 

Then click Save Registration Form to save the form and have it appear on the Registration Landing Page.

SST RegForm Authroization.png

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