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Adding elements to your form

Jacob Fullhart
Jacob Fullhart
  • Updated

A list of available elements is visible on the right side of the Edit Registration Form screen.

SST RegForms AddElement.png

Clicking on any of these elements will open a modal. Additional details about some of the elements can be added here.

Heading Elements

SST RegForm AddElem Heading.pngClicking Heading 1 or Heading 2 opens a modal window where you can type in a custom heading. Heading 1 is a larger font while Heading 2 is a slightly smaller heading font. These headings can be dragged to different parts of this section. 

Click Done when completed. 

The Heading 1 text you entered will be inserted into the form at the bottom.

Use the drag handle icon to move the heading text to where you want it on the form.

SST Reg Forms Heading Move.png

Paragraph Elements

SST RegForm AddElem Paragraph.pngThe paragraph element allows you to enter a text block of up to 2000 characters. 

Clicking the Paragraph option opens a modal window. In the space provided, enter the text you would like to appear on the form.

Click Done when completed. The text will be inserted into the form at the bottom.

Use the drag handle icon to move the paragraph text to where you want it on the form.

SST RegForm AddElem Paragraph Move.png

Horizontal Lines

The Horizontal Line element simply inserts a horizontal line into the form, which is useful for dividing up sections for better readability.

SST RegForms AddElem HorizontalLine.pngClicking the Horizontal Line option opens a modal window. 

Click Done to insert the horizontal line into the form at the bottom.


Use the drag handle icon to move the horizontal line to where you want it on the form.

SST RegForm AddElem HLine Move.png

File Attachments

The File Attachment element prompts the applicant to upload a file to the system when submitting the registration form. 

SST RegForms AddElem Attachment.pngClicking the File Attachment element at the right will open a modal window. In the window, enter information about the file the submitter should upload. 

Click Done to insert the prompt and space for the file upload into the form at the bottom.


Use the drag handle icon to move the prompt to where you want it on the form.

You can use the gear icon to change the prompt text or the trash can icon to remove the upload prompt from the form.

The system describes the allowable file types and sizes with a tooltip when the submitter hovers over the upload instructions: "Drag and drop file attachment or Click to upload attachment".

SST REgForms AddElem AttachmentMove.png

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