Alternatively, some activities may show the text "Shared by: [Site Name]" without an ellipsis present for editing. This indicates the activity was originally set up on a different site than the one you are currently connected to.
Using the same Drop In Counseling Activity above as an example, let's switch access to Jefferson Elementary.
The Drop In Counseling Activity was set up at the Hillandale Elementary site and shared with Jefferson Elementary.
This is done so participation can be recorded without setting up the activity at each site, saving considerable time. This shared activity will be listed in this site's Activities section but cannot be edited. To edit an activity shared by another site, you must switch access to that site. To learn more about Switching Access, please see this article.
If you do not have permission to switch access to the site where the activity was originally created and shared, contact your program's system administrator to provide you with permission or ask them to edit the activity for you.