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Editing and Deleting Activities and Sessions

Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
  • Updated

Edit Activity Information

To edit an activity, click the ellipsis next to the activity name, then select Edit Activity Information from the dropdown menu.

You may need to switch access if no ellipsis is next to the activity name. Please see this article to learn more about editing shared activities. 


Make any necessary changes and click the Save Activity information.

OSST Save ActInfo.png

OSTT DropIn Edit Schedule.pngEdit Activity Schedule

To the Activity's schedule, click the ellipsis next to the activity name, then select Edit Schedule from the dropdown menu.

Scheduled and Drop-In activities will have the Edit Schedule menu item, while Unscheduled activities will not.


This opens the Edit Schedule form. Make any necessary changes and click the Save Schedule.

OSTT Edit Schedule Svae.png

Deleting an Activity and/or Session Schedule

SST DeleteActivity1.pngTo delete an activity, click the ellipsis (...) next to the activity name.

Select Delete from the menu. Confirm using the Yes, Delete button.




SST DeleteAct Error Message.png


You may receive an error message if any participation was recorded for any sessions of the activity. 



OSTT DropIn Edit Schedule.png
To delete a specific session for a Scheduled or Drop-in activity, select Edit Schedule from the editing options menu.





OSTT Edit Sched Delete.png
Then click Delete above the session name for the session you'd like to delete, noting that you may need to scroll down to locate additional sessions. 




Then click Save Schedule. If no participation is recorded, the session will be deleted. If an attendance record is present, it cannot be deleted, and this message will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. 
SST DeleteSession Error.png

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