This article provides an overview of the various sections of a Participant record as well as how to edit these various sections.
Please see this article to learn how to add a new participant.
Locate the participant in your List of Participants
There are several tools to navigate your list of participants.
Editing People
If your District has an SIS data import process, data in some sections may be updated with every import. To prevent manually inputted data from being overwritten, check with your system administration before making changes in SST.
To edit participant information, locate the person in the list and click the pencil icon.
This section includes general information about the participant, such as name and demographic information. A red asterisk next to a field name indicates that data must be entered into this field before the record can be saved. Additional custom fields may appear at the bottom of the form, some of which may be required.
If your District has an SIS data import process, data in this section may be updated with every import. To prevent manually inputted data from being overwritten, check with your system administration before making changes in SST.
This section includes data fields displaying the participant's physical home address, mailing address, phone number, and email. A red asterisk next to a field name indicates that data must be entered into this field before the record can be saved. Additional custom fields may appear at the bottom of the form, some of which may be required.
If your District has an SIS data import process, data in this section may be updated with every import. To prevent manually inputted data from being overwritten, check with your system administration before making changes in SST.
Please see this article to learn more about the Address section of the participant record.
This section details various data fields related to the participant's housing/homelessness status. A red asterisk next to a field name indicates that data must be entered into this field before the record can be saved. Additional custom fields may appear at the bottom of the form, some of which may be required.
If your District has an SIS data import process, data in this section may be updated with every import. To prevent manually inputted data from being overwritten, check with your system administration before making changes in SST.
School Information
This section contains information about the student's school and other academic-related data. A red asterisk next to a field name indicates that data must be entered into this field before saving the record. Additional custom fields may appear at the bottom of the form, some of which may be required.
If your District has an SIS data import process, data in this section may be updated with every import. To prevent manually inputted data from being overwritten, check with your system administration before making changes in SST.
To learn more about the School Information section, please see this article.
This section conntains information about key people with a relationship to this participant.
The relationships table displays a list of existing relationship persons, phone numbers, and relationship indicator symbols will appear. Hovering your mouse over the symbols provides a description of what the symbol means.
- P: Primary Contact
- P/G: Custodial Parent/Guardian
- LW: Lives with Participant
- E: Emergency Contact
If your District has an SIS data import process, data in this section may be updated with every import. To prevent manually inputted data from being overwritten, check with your system administration before making changes in SST.
To learn more about the Relationships section, please see this article.
Registration Information
The table lists Existing Registration Period records. It displays the participant's enrollment start and end dates in which program(s) at which site(s). If the person participates in more than one program or at more than one site, they may have multiple records listed.
If your District has an SIS data import process, data in this section may be updated with every import. To prevent manually inputted data from being overwritten, check with your system administration before making changes in SST.
To learn more about the Registration Information Section, please see this article.
In this section, users can create and track participant service referrals to other organizations.
The table displays any existing referrals, detailing the partner and referral reason. Once a referral has a recorded outcome, it will also be displayed.
Please see this article to learn more about the Referrals section.
The Participation contains a record of the individual's participation in various activities, which can be viewed, edited, and added to. The table lists any previously tracked participation in activities.
Participation records can be edited, and new participation is recorded only when a user is connected to an individual site.
Please see this article to learn more about Tracking Individual Participation.
The Services section shows the records of services an individual has received. New services provided can also be recorded. The table lists services previously provided to the participant.
Unlike participation records, service records can be edited, and new services are recorded when a user is connected to the district level; connecting to an individual site is not required.
Please see this article to learn more about Recording Services.
The Notes section is where notes about a participant are recorded. The table lists notes previously entered regarding the participant.
Please see this article to learn more about Managing Notes for a participant.
Communication Log
The Communication Log section is where a record about communications related to a participant are recorded. The table displays a list of previously recorded communications.
Please see this article to learn more about Logging Communications for a participant.
The Goals section is where goals related to a participant are recorded. The table lists previously recorded goals, including their date set, date completed, and date updated.
Please see this article to learn more about Recording Goals for a participant.
The Documents section is where documents related to a participant are securely stored. The table lists previously uploaded documents for this participant, including the date uploaded and original uploader. Documents can be downloaded using the down arrow.
The following file formats are accepted: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .jpg, and .png. The file size limit is 20 MB.
Please see this article to learn more about Uploading Documents for a participant.